Monday, October 09, 2006


Last Friday I opened the door to go get the laundry and a cat ran into our apartment. I put up a sign downstairs but no one has claimed her so we seem to have a cat for the moment. We named her Rosie (or sometimes Rose). At first, when Griffin thought she was a boy, he was calling her Rex but we soon realized our mistake. Until someone knocks on our door and says that it is their cat, we will keep her.

The kids love having a cat, though Nastia hasn't quite gotten the hang of treating her gently. She often grabbs her by the tail in order to pet her or picks her up when Rosie dosen't feel cuddly. Hopefully she will learn soon, before Nanie gets too many scratches. Rose is a young kitty so she fits right in with all the kids running around the apartment. They love to tease her with yarn and chase her and when we leave home, on our return I always find her sleeping. Posted by Picasa


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